2 Tips for Title and Keywords


Title of an article is very crucial in attracting the reader. It conveys the story within few words.
Author need to be cautious while framing the title. 
1. Short, crisp and crystal clear. Avoid more than 3 line title.
2. No abbrevations.
3. Should have few commonly Google searching words.
4. Should convey the research problem.
5. Some part of title should come in first 3 lines of abstract. 


Keywords are used by journal in search optimization. Hence we need to be careful while selecting keywords:
1. Minimum 5 to 6 keywords.
2. 2 to 3 keywords should be in title as well. 
3. These keywords should be present in first 2 line of abstract as well. 
4. Avoid abbrevations
5. Use highly useful and google searchable words.


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